[0:00] Well, if you've been with us recently, and especially at our Bible studies, we've actually the last couple of weeks been talking a lot about persecution, Christian persecution, Christians being persecuted for their faith.
[0:11] It's come up in the text quite a lot. And how Christians don't seem to face persecution today like they did in Bible times. Well, I want to share with you some stats which show how untrue that assumption actually is.
[0:24] Behind me is a map, plotting just the most recent incidents of Christian persecution. In the 20th century alone, the last 100 years, somewhere in the region of 26 million Christians have been killed for their faith.
[0:43] Way more than any century before. And then in today, in more than 60 countries, right now, Christians face some kind of persecution from their governments or their neighbors.
[0:56] With an average, this is staggering, an average of 255 Christians killed somewhere every month in our world for being Christians.
[1:07] Which make Christians the single most persecuted people group in the world. And it's not getting any better. Stats show that it's getting worse and worse.
[1:18] And the question we've got to ask, which we should be asking because we're Christians, is why? Why are Christians hated by atheists and Muslims and Hindus and secular societies alike?
[1:30] And why is it getting worse? Well, the answer is simple. And we've kind of been looking at it already in John. The answer is because of their message. Simply because of the message they carry. Christians aren't, as far as I know, unlikable people.
[1:44] Well, Christians do a lot of good in societies, or at least they should. So why are they hated? Well, it's because of their message. The message of human sin. The message that we are all guilty before God.
[1:56] And only Jesus can save us. Because only his death can pay for those sins. And that, therefore, we all need to submit to him as our Lord and Savior. That is a message that the world is desperate not to hear.
[2:08] The world doesn't want to admit that we have to submit to Christ. That he is Lord. That there is no way out of God's judgment except through him. And that's why Christians are persecuted and will be persecuted in every age until Jesus comes back.
[2:22] Because of the message they carry. It goes against everything that human beings, self-righteous, self-determining human beings, want to hear. This message challenges us deep down inside.
[2:34] And we are not programmed to accept it. We are programmed to resist it. Now, last week we learned about the mission that Jesus had given to his disciples that Adrian mentioned earlier.
[2:45] To bear fruit. And we bear fruit, we saw, by taking the gospel out into this world. That is how we glorify God through the message of the cross. We bear that fruit in evangelism, in mission.
[2:56] But the question I want us to think about this morning is how are we going to do that? In a world that obviously doesn't want to hear that message. How are we going to share the gospel with our neighbors and friends who have already made it clear that they're not interested?
[3:11] Well, that's what this morning's passage is all about. That's what Jesus goes on to prepare his disciples for. Because he's just been equipping them and preparing them for their mission to the world that's going to come after his death and resurrection.
[3:26] And he tells them straight that this world isn't going to want to hear what you have to tell them. So look at verse 2. They will put you out of the synagogue. In fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.
[3:42] And we've seen that throughout history, haven't we? We've seen people in the name of God or in the name of Allah persecute and kill Christians. It's exactly what Jesus said would happen.
[3:52] He's preparing these disciples that they will be persecuted. There's no getting away from that. Okay, so if this is going to be the reaction of the world, the question is, why even try?
[4:05] Why even try to tell them about Jesus if they're going to persecute us and kill us for it? Isn't it pointless? Isn't it like hitting our head against a brick wall? Isn't it better for us just to, you know, come to church, keep our faith amongst ourselves?
[4:17] Amongst those who appreciate it? Well, no, it's not. Because firstly, if the previous generation decided to do that, you probably would have never heard the gospel. But secondly, if we think it's pointless to take the gospel to people who don't want to hear it, then we're forgetting one thing.
[4:35] We're forgetting the Holy Spirit and his work in the mission. Because, you see, if Jesus had left the disciples to carry out this mission by themselves in their own strength, let's be honest, Christianity would have been wiped out in the very first generation.
[4:54] But the reason it wasn't wiped out, the reason it's grown and spread to every corner of the world, despite all the hostility, and it is still growing, is because of one thing. The work of the Holy Spirit in our mission.
[5:09] And that's what Jesus is talking about here. That's his main point in this passage. And so as we read it, I want us to get an understanding this morning of just what the Holy Spirit is doing in this world.
[5:20] What work he is, what he's up to, what his work is, and why it makes such a difference to us when we go and share the gospel. Why the Holy Spirit's work makes a difference to our mission as a church.
[5:32] That's what we're going to look at this morning. And we'll consider the Holy Spirit's work in two parts. Firstly, what the Holy Spirit does for Christians. And secondly, what the Holy Spirit does for non-Christians.
[5:44] So let's have a look at those. Firstly, what the Holy Spirit does for Christians. Have a look from verse 26. When the advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
[6:00] And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. Okay, so basically the Holy Spirit partners with the disciples to testify about Jesus.
[6:12] That is what he is promising them. That as they go out and share the world, the Holy Spirit will be with them. They won't do it alone. He's called the advocate here.
[6:22] And Jesus chooses that word very carefully. He's also called the Spirit of Truth. And both of those terms kind of conjure up the image of a courtroom. He's using courtroom legal language where, you know, witnesses go up to the stand to testify.
[6:38] I don't know if anyone here has ever been a witness in a court case. But it's quite a responsible, it's quite a responsibility. You're in quite a responsible position.
[6:49] When you stand up and testify and swear that you will tell the whole truth, you've got to make sure that you're telling the truth accurately and making sure people understand it. If you're a witness in a courtroom. Well, that is what a Christian is called to do in our world.
[7:02] It's not for no reason. We're called witnesses. It's still, it's the image of a courtroom. To be a witness. That is our job. Someone who stands up and testifies to the truth that they've experienced.
[7:14] Just like a witness in a court case would stand up and testify to the truth. We're not called to be salesmen who manipulate things and use tricks to get people to come around to our way.
[7:29] No, we're just called to be witnesses. Testifying to the facts that we've seen and heard and experienced. But the question is, how do we make sure we're testifying correctly?
[7:41] How do we make sure that we are taking that responsibility seriously as Christians and we're telling the facts straight and that they make sense to the people who hear us? Well, that's where the advocate comes in.
[7:53] Just like an advocate in a courtroom prepares the witness and helps them make an accurate testimony. Often in a court case, the advocate will meet with the witness before.
[8:04] And so these are the questions we're going to ask you. These are the questions you will be asked by the cross-examiner. And prepare your argument. Prepare your defense. Well, that's what the advocate does for a Christian as well.
[8:14] The Holy Spirit prepares us to testify to the truth and to make sure we testify accurately to that truth to other people. How does he do that? What does he do to prepare Christians to testify?
[8:28] Primarily by giving us the truth in written form. So that we have notes by which we can testify. It's almost like he gives us the script.
[8:39] What to say. What the truth is that we must testify so that we don't forget it or mix it up or get it wrong. So have a look at verse 12, for example. Jesus says to his disciples, I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
[8:53] But when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come. Now remember, Jesus is talking to who here?
[9:07] He's talking to the original disciples. The original 11. Judas is gone to betray him. So there's the 11 left. And these 11 plus Paul, who later became an apostle, all of them went on to be apostles.
[9:24] And apostles were the men who were responsible for writing the New Testament in our Bibles. And so many promises that Jesus makes to the apostles here don't apply directly to us.
[9:35] We're not apostles. The apostles were a set group of people in that stage of history while the Bible was being written and responsible for the writing of the New Testament. So another promise, for example, that doesn't apply directly to us is one we've already read in chapter 14, verse 25.
[9:52] Jesus says to them, All this I have spoken while still with you, but the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
[10:04] So Jesus here is promising his apostles supernatural memory. Okay? It's an amazing thing. He's promising them a supernatural ability to remember everything he has said to them so that they can later write it down.
[10:20] This is not a promise to every Christian. You know, this is not Jesus saying that he'll give every Christian supernatural memory so we don't have to put anything in our Google calendars. No, no, no. I'll remember it. If that happened, we would never keep appointments.
[10:32] At least I wouldn't because my memory is terrible, as you know, if you know me. But this promise was to the apostles and supernatural ability to remember everything Jesus has said so that they could write it down later for our benefit.
[10:46] Likewise here, Jesus makes another promise to the apostles here in chapter 16. That not only will they remember everything he's already said, but more than that, the Holy Spirit will go on to teach them everything else they need to know, which Jesus hasn't yet had time to teach them.
[11:04] That's what he's saying here. I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear, but when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. All truth.
[11:14] So those letters that the apostles wrote, which you can find in your New Testament, you know, Corinthians, Romans, 1 Peter. 2 Peter. All of those letters, which comprise the New Testament, they are the result of this work of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is promising to the apostles.
[11:31] They're not just human writings. They're not just human musings or guesses. They are direct information from God to these apostles and through them to us today.
[11:43] They're truths from God to us. And that is what makes the Bible so incredible and so consistent as well. These writings, the Old Testament and the New Testament, all of these writings, which were written by dozens of different people who many of them had never met, and over spans of history, all say the same thing.
[12:07] They're talking about one unified plan of salvation, the work of God. They're not just letters written by men. And especially in the New Testament, these are God's words because the Holy Spirit made sure that everything these apostles wrote down was truth from God.
[12:26] And not only are they consistent, they are complete. They contain all the truth we need to know. Because Jesus promised his apostles this.
[12:37] He says, when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into some of the truth. No, all of the truth. All of the truth he will guide you in. Not some truth. Not with some still needing to be discovered by future generations.
[12:49] Not with future additional revelation needed. No, all the necessary truth was given to those original disciples. All the truth we need to know about God and eternity.
[13:02] And so the point is, and it's a very important point, especially in today's world and today's flavor of Christianity in many churches. The point is, what Jesus is teaching here, we don't need any more revelation than what is contained in the Bible.
[13:17] We don't need any more than that. The Holy Spirit has made sure of it. And that's why we don't need more apostles today. We don't need new apostles today.
[13:28] Like many churches believe we do. Because Jesus has already revealed all truth to the old apostles. In their writings is everything we need for salvation and life and godliness.
[13:39] And so don't believe anybody who comes and says they have a new word from God, a new revelation from God. And certainly don't go to churches where they're so eager to hear new teachings that they neglect to study the original teachings of the apostles.
[13:54] Which sadly is the case in too many churches today. And that's why in this church, we open the Bible. We go back to the original teachings. You don't come here, I hope, you don't come here to hear some new fancy revelation from me.
[14:07] Because then you'd be disappointed. We open the Bible. And we work hard to understand what the original revelation says. And we go to Bible studies and we open the Bible. And we work hard to understand what the original revelation says.
[14:21] Because that is all we need. And so we must put the time and effort in our lives to understanding that original revelation. Because it is divine. It is from God. These aren't the words of men. These are everything you need to know for life and eternity is in here.
[14:37] This should be central to living our life, therefore. And so to answer the question, what does the Holy Spirit do for believers? Do for Christians?
[14:48] In helping us to take the truth to the world? Well, the answer is he gives the truth to us in written form. Reliable. Consistent. He gives us a book which contains everything that this world needs to know.
[15:01] It contains everything that your neighbors and friends need to know. Nothing more. And so the most effective evangelism. The most effective way to share Jesus with others is evangelism from the Bible.
[15:13] Where we simply read the Bible with someone else. And let God speak for himself. Because he's already given all the truth that people need to know in here. And it's then when we do that.
[15:25] When we open the Bible with other people. You may have experienced this yourself if you've done that. It's then that the Holy Spirit gets to work. And the Holy Spirit through that word that he's inspired.
[15:36] He works in a person's life. That's what Jesus means in verse 26. When he says he will testify about me. Not just you disciples will testify.
[15:47] He will at the same time testify. To the person that you're testifying to. And so this advocate. Doesn't only give us what to say.
[15:57] He doesn't only give us the script. To have as we're standing in the dock testifying. But then he comes. And sits with us. Sits alongside us and testifies with us.
[16:09] As we testify. That is the promise that Jesus is saying. As a Christian. Testifies to the truth from the word. The Holy Spirit will come with you. And testify with you. He will be there with you.
[16:19] Applying that truth. To. The person's conscience. That you set before their mind. God. And he'll be able to work deeper. Than you can ever get.
[16:31] Making it powerful. Making it work. In them. You know. Often. Christians will say. No. I can't read the Bible. I can't change what they believe.
[16:43] I can't cause someone else to believe. What the Bible says. You're right. You can't. But the Holy Spirit does. As you simply open the truth with them. And that's what Jesus goes on to teach.
[16:54] He goes on in this passage to teach. Just what the Holy Spirit does. In detail. He gives us the details of. Of the operate. The spiritual operation. The spiritual surgery. That's going on inside. A non-Christian.
[17:05] When they hear the words of the Bible. And it's very. Interesting. To read. But before we get there. Before we look at that. One point of application from this. So far. And that is just simply.
[17:16] Trust the Bible. To be enough. Trust that the Holy Spirit. Does work through. God's. Word. As you share the gospel with others. You don't need to rely on. Tricks or gimmicks. Or five point presentations.
[17:28] And of course. Having gospel outlines. Might help you to know where to go. In the Bible. And that's fine. But all you actually need. Is the Bible. All you actually need. Is God's word.
[17:41] You know. You might go. There might be. Evangelism training courses. Where you learn techniques. And questions to ask. And places to go. In the Bible. And outlines. Fine. But you actually don't need those.
[17:53] To share the gospel. They help. They sometimes make the process easier. But all you need. Is the Bible. The Bible has everything in it. In the way that God. Inspired it to be written. To speak directly.
[18:04] Into someone's soul. So open the Bible. With people. Open God's word. And read it. With other people. That's what these. These resources. The word one to one. That Rowan.
[18:15] Was sharing with us. Last week. If you were here. That she's. Reading with someone else. And many other people. It's amazing. You open these. You start reading the Bible. And God speaks. You see it.
[18:25] And it's such an exciting. Job. To be involved in. To be the conduit. To be the messenger. And to start to see. As you open the Bible. To start to see.
[18:35] The creator of the universe. Speaking to them. In a way that you never could. If you're not involved in that. You're missing out. It's so exciting. To see God at work. For the first time.
[18:46] In people's lives. God. And that's all you need. The Bible. Because it is powerful enough. As the Holy Spirit works in it. To bring people. To see the truth. And. If you're not a believer.
[18:57] Here this morning. And. You've come here for some reason. Maybe you're seeking. You want to hear. From God. You want to find out. What Christianity is about. Whatever it is. Maybe someone dragged you here. Against your will.
[19:08] And good for them. If that's you this morning. Well. I want to tell you. This word. This word. Is all you need. To hear God speak. And so.
[19:19] Ask that person. Who dragged you to church. To read it with you. To set a time. Each week. Where you can read a chapter. Of the Bible together. And talk about it. Because God speaks. Powerfully.
[19:29] Through his word. As we open it up. I think I've made my point. So I hope I have. But. But now we must move on. And. And I want us to see. Just how the Holy Spirit. Works.
[19:40] When we open the word of someone. What spiritual surgery. He does. In non-Christians. When they hear the Bible. And that's what Jesus goes on. To teach us from verse 8. Have a look.
[19:51] When he comes. He will prove. The world to be in the wrong. Or he will convict the world. Same word. About. Sin. And righteousness.
[20:02] And judgment. About sin. Because people do not believe in me. About righteousness. Because I am going to the Father. Where you can see me no longer. And about judgment.
[20:12] Because the prince of this world. Now stands. Condemned. Okay. So that is what the Holy Spirit. Does. When we open the word. With other people. And so suddenly.
[20:23] In this courtroom scene. The Holy Spirit changes roles. From defense counsel. To prosecuting attorney. That's what he's doing now. And he works to convict people.
[20:35] Of three things. As we testify the truth to them. Now. Keep in mind. Before we look at those three things. That this won't always happen. For everyone. Jesus has already taught.
[20:46] That some people's hearts. Become more and more hardened. By the truth. Rather than being convicted by it. When they're exposed. To the truth. They become more and more. Hard set against it. And don't want to hear it.
[20:56] And we've. Experienced that. If we've tried to tell people the truth. But that's not everyone. And that's why we share the word. Despite people's. Opposition.
[21:07] Because in some of those people. God will do a miracle. And he promises he will. By convicting them. Of these three things. Firstly. He will convict people of sin. Verse 8.
[21:19] When he comes. He will prove the world. To be in the wrong. About sin. And righteousness. And judgment. About sin. Because people do not believe in me. Okay. So basically. What Jesus is saying.
[21:29] Is that the world in general. Has a wrong view of sin. He will prove the world. To be in the wrong. About sin. Because.
[21:40] Let's be honest. The world doesn't see sin. As anything too serious. Does it? The world we live in. The society we live in. Doesn't really take. Such a hard. Stance against sin.
[21:51] Sin is seen as a little bit. Of naughtiness on the side. TV shows. And movies. Actually. Celebrate. Many sins. Don't they? They celebrate. Living opposed.
[22:02] To God's standards. Sex outside of marriage. Lying. In your business dealings. These things are seen. As normal. And promoted. In movies we watch. Sin isn't seen as serious.
[22:15] But. Sin is serious. And the reason. Sin is serious. Is because. It's an. Ultimately. Any sin. Is ultimately. A rejection. Of our creator. It's ignoring God.
[22:26] In the world. That he's made. It's taking no care. For what he wants. Even though he gives us. Every breath we breathe. That's what sin is. And. And the sins we commit. Are just. Fruits of that sinful.
[22:37] Attitude. And so. Not being bothered about sin. Like this world is. Is basically. Excuse the illustration. But it's basically.
[22:48] Giving the middle finger to God. And it's basically. Saying to him. I don't care how you want me. To live in your world. That is what sin is. If we're not bothered by sin. If we're not bothered by the sin. In our lives. That's what we're saying to God.
[22:59] I don't care. How you want me to live. That rebellious attitude. Is what. Marks out. This world. And it was ultimately seen. Where? When?
[23:10] In what? Point of history? Was this. Did this rebellious attitude. Come to its climax? Well when Jesus. The son of God. Entered into our world. What did this world do?
[23:21] It didn't believe him. It rejected him. And it. Crucified him. That's what he means. When he says. About sin. Because people do not believe in me. That. That lack of faith. In Jesus.
[23:31] That. The lack of. Willingness to follow him. And believe. His teachings. Despite all his miracles. Is because. Of our. Attitude of sin. Where we set against our creator. And so sin is not.
[23:43] Just doing a few naughty things. On the side. Sin is a rejection. Of God. In his world. And it's a sin. That we are all guilty of. We are all born with that. Attitude. But that's what the Holy Spirit.
[23:56] Works. First and foremost. To convict. People of. And if you're a Christian. What he's convicted you of. You didn't wake up one day. And say. Yeah. Actually I'm a sinner. I think so.
[24:07] I am a rebel against God. No. The Holy Spirit. Convicted you of that. Because that's his work. That's what he does. He convicts people. Of the seriousness. Of their sin against God. So that they will. Repent.
[24:17] But that's not all. The Holy Spirit will also. We read. Convict people of righteousness. Verse 10. About righteousness. Because I'm going to the Father. Where you can see me no longer.
[24:30] Okay. So what does that mean? Well. Well. Just like. The Holy Spirit convicts us. About our sin. That is much worse. Than we think. He also convicts us. About.
[24:42] Righteousness. That. God's standards. Are much higher. Than we think. Because humans. Typically. Especially religious. Types. Of humans. Think that we're just.
[24:53] A little bit away from God. Like. Like God is here. And. And we are here. And all we've got to do. Is some. Kind of religious works. And then we'll attain. To God's standard of righteousness. That's what religion.
[25:03] Preaches. That's what. Typically. Worldly religion says. That you're close to God. And you just need to. Stop a few sins. And do a few good works. And then you'll be here. But actually. What the Holy Spirit does. Is he comes.
[25:14] And convicts us. About sin. That we are far. Far more sinful. Than we think. And about righteousness. That God's standard. Is far higher. Than we think. And we can never attain it. In our own strength. Now when Jesus.
[25:26] Walked this earth. We had a living. Breathing example. Of God's righteousness. In front of us. In a human being. He was the perfect human. And it was therefore. Easy to see. What God's standard was.
[25:37] Because. Jesus. Is the standard. Of righteousness. He defines. What God's righteousness. Is in a human being. And that's. Another reason.
[25:47] People didn't want him around. Obviously. Especially the Pharisees. In. In Jerusalem. In Israel. The Pharisees. Prided themselves. On their religious righteousness.
[25:58] That's what they built. Their identity on. How good and law abiding. They were. But then. Jesus comes along. And shows them up. For what they really are. It's kind of like.
[26:10] Trying to impress someone. With your tennis skills. When Roger Federer. Is playing in the next court over. You know. In contrast. The. The. The. The.
[26:20] Religious people of the day. Were shown. To be. Not nearly. Righteous. As they thought they were. And that's why they wanted to get rid of Jesus. That's why they hated him. Because he showed them up.
[26:31] For the unrighteous. Sinful people. They really were. But. But when Jesus was here. You see. We. We. We saw God's righteousness. But what about after he leaves. How will people know true righteousness.
[26:44] Well. Jesus says. The Holy Spirit. Will come. And convict them. Of righteousness. Through the word. The Holy Spirit. Will help people. To see. That they can't attain heaven.
[26:55] By their own strength. That their righteousness. Just. Doesn't cut it. But. And therefore. Only through Christ. And his righteousness. Can we please God. The Holy Spirit. Will direct our attention.
[27:05] To Jesus. And his righteousness. And to our lack of righteousness. And cause us to come to him. And rely on him. And then thirdly. The Holy Spirit. Will convict people.
[27:17] About. Judgment. Verse 11. Judgment. And about judgment. Because the prince of this world. Now stands condemned. So. You want to know another thing.
[27:28] That this world is really not that bothered about. Judgment day. Do you see people. Worried. About the day. That God is going to come. Judge the world. That the day. We're all going to stand before God.
[27:39] And give an account. For how we've lived our lives. Do you see people. Running around. Worried about that. Do you see people. Writing letters to the newspaper. Saying what are we going to do. Judgment day is coming. No. The world doesn't care. The world's not worried.
[27:51] Most non-Christians. Don't believe. That there will be a day. When they stand before their creator. And give an account for their life. And so they live how they want. Under the rule of sin.
[28:02] Rather than under the rule of God. But what they don't realize. Is that their ruler. Who they wouldn't even. Admit is their ruler.
[28:13] But Jesus says he is the prince of this world. Satan. Is already under judgment himself. And he can't escape it. Ever since the cross. Where his power.
[28:24] Was broken. When Jesus. Took human sins on himself. Satan's power to accuse. Satan's power to rule. Has been broken. Jesus defeated him there. On the cross. And he is now waiting.
[28:36] For when God will finally. Judge him. For eternity. Like a criminal on death row. Just waiting. For his execution. His sentence has already been passed.
[28:48] But he is still waiting. For their carrying out of that sentence. That is the stage we live in. And that is the position. That the prince of this world. Satan is in. But. Not just him. All who remain under his rule.
[29:00] Are there with him. Whether they realize it or not. All who remain under his rule. The rule of sin. Not caring. About their sin. Not being bothered by their sin.
[29:11] Not wanting to turn from their sin. Are actually under Satan's rule. And they will join him there. In that judgment. The Bible says. Their judgment. Is as certain. As his. And that judgment.
[29:22] Is coming like a freight train. And no one can stop it. But that is what the Holy Spirit. Is here. To convict people of. To convince them.
[29:33] Of the reality. Of judgment. That you can't get away with sin. That a price must be paid. For sin. There is no sin. That we can commit. Where the price. Must. Won't be paid.
[29:45] Either by ourselves. Or by Jesus on the cross. And the Holy Spirit convicts us. That there is judgment. Judgment is real. Even if we don't see it. Every day in our world. Even if. If criminals get away.
[29:56] With sins. And we think. Well there is no justice in the world. The Holy Spirit convicts us. There is. There will be. A day of justice. And the Holy Spirit convicts people of that.
[30:07] So that they don't keep living their lives. The way they want to. But that they repent. And they turn to Jesus. Before it is too late. And so that is the work. Of the Holy Spirit. Which we have learnt about this morning.
[30:20] That is the work of the Holy Spirit. In the world. So while the Holy Spirit does a lot more. Than we have spoken about this morning. In the life of a Christian. Which other parts of the Bible teach.
[30:31] He also does this very important work. In the life of non-Christians. When they hear. The word of God. And we must be grateful for that.
[30:43] Else our mission would be doomed to failure. And we must be excited by that. That when we open the word of God with someone. Jesus promises that his Holy Spirit will be active. And working in that. And that is a very.
[30:54] As I've said earlier. That is a hugely exciting task. To be involved in. In this life that God has given you. Will you be involved in that work? Will you stand up and testify?
[31:06] Knowing that the Holy Spirit will be there with you. Giving you everything you need. That the Holy Spirit will be warning people. And speaking to people's consciences. As you open the word of them. Because that's what the Holy Spirit does.
[31:19] He's like. He's like that siren. That you hear. When you're having a nice day on Fishwick Beach. And a shark comes along. And the shark spotter sees it. Suddenly. Your tranquil day.
[31:30] Is ruined. By this blaring. Siren. But that siren is there. To warn us. To convict us. That there is something. Wrong. So that if we're out in the ocean.
[31:42] And we're swimming happily. That siren comes on. To tell us that we can't just keep on happily swimming. That we must change our behavior. And we must get out of the water. And.
[31:54] You alone. Going and telling someone. There's a shark in the water. Probably won't have any effect. Either you'll just freak them out. Or. They'll just ignore you. Who are you? You know. How do you know? They can see just as much as you can see.
[32:05] And they don't see a shark. How do you know there's a shark? Like. So you. Just you telling someone. Won't lead to them. Doing anything. But. When they hear the siren. Then suddenly something changes.
[32:17] Doesn't it? Suddenly they know you mean business. Suddenly they know. That there's a higher power. That guy on the mountain. Who's seen what they couldn't see. And that. Is what the Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit is the siren. To convince people.
[32:29] That the message we tell them. Is in fact true. Now they may ignore the siren. And that'll be on them. But not everyone will. Some will hear it.
[32:39] And some will heed it. And some will respond. By swimming to the shore. Even if it's something they initially didn't want to do. Even if that warning is something they initially didn't want to hear.
[32:50] And they told you. Get away from me. I don't want to hear your news. Your warning. And yet some of them. When they hear it. Will still respond. Because they heard the siren. Because the Holy Spirit worked.
[33:01] And so as we take the word into a world that doesn't want to hear it. Remember this. As you pluck up the courage to testify about Jesus to a work colleague or a friend.
[33:14] Remember that the Holy Spirit will be there and testify with you. Through the word that you bring. He will work behind the scenes. To convict people of its truth.
[33:27] So that some will respond. And be saved. And gain eternal life. And that is why it's worth it. No matter what persecution we face in the meantime.
[33:39] Let's pray. Lord we thank you for leaving us. With the Holy Spirit. To continue your work in this world. Thank you for the great privilege of being involved in that work.
[33:52] As your spirit works in people's lives. And with this knowledge of knowing. Now that you've taught us what the Holy Spirit does. Help us to go out and testify. Help us to testify boldly.
[34:04] Knowing that you will be speaking. That the Holy Spirit will be there. And that your word is powerful. And Lord may that power of your word be evident in our own lives. And would it overflow to the people around us.
[34:15] Lord we know that you've put us in this world for a reason. We are your church. You've given us a mission. Help us. Help us to succeed. In Jesus name. Amen.