Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Just think back to, have you ever been in a situation where you were stuck and you needed someone to come and rescue you? Ever been in a situation where you're stuck and you needed someone to come rescue you? [0:11] Guys don't like to admit to that kind of thing. No, we'll make a plan, we'll sort it out. But under normal everyday life, you know, we think we've got everything under control. [0:23] But it doesn't take a lot to make us realize that we don't. And so even a small thing like losing your car keys can cause problems. I'm sure you've done that. [0:34] Or locking yourself out of your house or locking your car keys in your car. I've done that once with the car running, strangely. And the only way to get it out was to break one of the windows and then someone thought I was breaking into a car to steal it. [0:48] Very complicated situation. Or there's an issue with your car, your tire bursts. Or you drop your phone and your screen crashes and you can't access your phone numbers. [1:02] You know, back in the day, remember we used to memorize all our phone numbers from home and the emergency and the work. My phone crashes now, I can't even phone my brother or my mom. Or the work. [1:13] Well, anyway. Normal life goes on. And then something jiggles. Something goes wrong. [1:24] And you realize you're not in as control as you thought. And there's forces out there. You realize that there's forces out there that are beyond our control. Just take the weather. None of us thought winter would return. [1:37] We thought it was going to return a bit harder. The notices were that there was going to be a massive storm. Maybe it's coming later. But it certainly felt like a little bit of winter last month if you woke up and the rain and the wind was howling. [1:53] But we can't make it rain or shine. We don't have that kind of power. But in our Bible passage today, we meet a man who can literally change the weather. [2:05] And he's got not just that under control, but all kinds of other things that we can't see under his control. And because he has a level of power and authority that no man in history has ever had, you want to make sure that you're on his good side. [2:23] And if you're not on his good side, you want to make sure what can you do to get on his good side. But there's a surprise behind each miracle that reveals something deeper about Jesus each time. [2:35] And we're going to go through them one by one. And the first story is about Jesus and taming the chaos. Jesus and taming the chaos of the world. So in our first story, we see Jesus who is Lord over wind and sea and storm. [2:53] But what it really reveals is he's the ruler over the primal forces of chaos that are really hell-bent at destroying God's creation and us along with it. [3:06] So in the story, Jesus and his disciples hop into a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. It's well known for violent storms. But this is no ordinary storm. The Greek word for storm here is the word seismos. [3:21] There was a great seismos in the Greek. Mega seismos, like a mega storm. You know the word mega? That's the Greek word for big or huge. And then seismos, which really means earthquake. [3:34] You know, another word for earthquakes is seismic activity. So it's the same word. So as Jesus crosses the lake, and you've got a picture here where he's going, but we'll come to that in the next story. [3:48] But he's crossing the lake over from the side of Israel, from the land of Israel, really, from Galilee. They cross over to the lake, and they're going to this other land that's not Israel. [4:02] And as they cross, this huge storm comes up, really this huge earthquake, and this huge wind that causes these waves, and it's going to crash the boat. [4:15] It kind of feels, the feeling of it, is that this whole area doesn't want Jesus to cross over the lake. The world itself is trying to kill him, trying to stop him from getting to the other side, and everyone along with him. [4:30] So there's something strange going on with this storm. Jesus is in the boat with hardened fishermen. They are terrified. [4:44] And Jesus is sleeping. No worries. None at all. Just catching a few Z's, because he's been having a hectic few days. [4:57] When they wake up, Jesus does two unexpected things. First, he rebukes the disciples. Have a look at verse 25, 26. [5:12] The disciples went to wake him. And when they did, they're crying out, Lord, save us! We're going to drown, or we're going to die. We're busy dying. In fact, the verb is, we're busy dying. [5:25] It's very close to their end. And Jesus, you know, doesn't wake up and say, oh yeah, sorry, guys. Don't worry, everything is going to be okay. He, he rebukes them. [5:37] You of little faith, why are you so afraid? First unexpected thing that Jesus would say. It seems, that he's expecting them, to be as serene, and unworried, and peaceful, as he is. [5:55] He's almost saying to them, look guys, I'm sleeping, why don't you, you can sleep as well. Don't worry, everything will be fine. The waves are coming, the storm is going, they think they're going to die. [6:06] Jesus says, the best way to handle that situation, is to sleep. But then he rebukes the storm as well. He doesn't just say to the storm, be still. [6:17] He rebukes it. And so he's got this, he realizes there's a, there's a tassel going on here. There's a, there's a, there's an opposition. This thing isn't meant to be doing this. [6:28] It's not meant to be killing him. Or the, or the disciples. He rebukes the storm, but I mean, the most amazing thing, is that the wind, and the waves, obey him. [6:45] And it becomes completely, completely, calm. And that's, the thing, that freaks the disciples out. They want to know now, who, is this guy, that can do, that. [7:03] Verse 27, the men were amazed, and asked, what kind of man, is this? Even the wind, and the waves, obey him. [7:17] Can you imagine, if you're in that boat, and Jesus said those words, and the, and the storm just dropped like that, how would you be feeling? [7:30] Whew. I, the hairs at the back of your head, would be standing, your eyes would go wide, and you probably, edge slowly back, to the other side of the boat, a little bit. We think, oh, Jesus saved them, that's nice. [7:42] But if you're standing there, and a man, just told this, the weather to, just pipe down, it's something you've never witnessed before. And that question, is the main question of Matthew, that Matthew wants to answer, in this section. [7:58] Just who is this man, that can do these things? How is it possible, for a man to have the power, of a God? They've, they've never seen anything like it, no one in human history, has seen anything like it. [8:11] You know, the ancient world, was full of people, that could, conjure up magic tricks, and, and claim to do things, no one went around, claiming, no, they can, they can change the weather like that. If you've got a storm, call me, I'll sort it out. [8:22] If you need rain, call me out. Well, they did actually promise rain, but not like this, not any storm level events, like this. How is it possible, for a man, to have the power, over God? [8:35] Well, that's why we, we had Psalm 89, as our first reading, and so I want you to turn there, if you've got your Bibles, and Psalm 89, tells us that, God has always planned, for his Messiah, his anointed one, to share, in his control, over the forces of chaos. [8:51] God has always planned, for his Messiah, to share, in the control, over the forces of chaos. So, Psalm 89, starts off, with his praise to God, and it links, God's faithfulness, God's covenant, or God's faithfulness, with his covenant. [9:14] So, verse 2, I will declare, that your love, stands firm forever, that you established, your faithfulness, in heaven itself, talking to God. And then he said, you said, I have made a covenant, with my chosen one, I have sworn to David, my servant, I will establish, your line forever, and make your throne, firm through all generations. [9:33] So, they praise God, for his covenant faithfulness, for this king, that God is going to set up, that will have, an eternal kingdom. But the first part, of the Psalm, continues to praise God, who is the ruler, over all the holy ones, over all the heavenly beings, over this council, over all the gods, of the universe, of the world. [9:54] Now, we don't think of, that there are other kinds, of gods. For us, there is only one God, and that's true, but in the mindset, of the ancient world, they knew that there were, other gods, other beings out there, with certain amounts of power, that were opposed to Yahweh, and his purposes. [10:10] And so, have a look, at, at verse, six, and seven, and eight. Who, in the skies above, can compare with the Lord, with Yahweh? [10:21] Who, is like the Lord, among the heavenly beings? Some translations, will have, among the gods, with a small g. In the council, of the holy ones, God is greatly feared. [10:33] He is more awesome, than all, who surround him. O Lord, God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness, surrounds you. So, God is the ruler, of all these other beings, and he shows it, primarily, in controlling, the chaos, of these primeval, primordial waters, and this, primordial God, called Rahab. [11:00] So, just have a look, at verse, verse nine, and ten. You rule, over the surging sea, talking about Yahweh. When its waves, mount up, you still them. [11:13] You, crushed Rahab, like one of the slain. With your strong arm, you scattered, your enemies. Now, Rahab, is one of these, ancient gods, of the old, of those times, was believed to be, kind of a serpent, goddess, actually. [11:29] An evil serpent, dragon being, that lived in the waters, and created, all the chaos, in the world. And they're saying, that God, is the ruler, of all these other gods, of all the other chaos, he rules, over the seas, and the waters. [11:45] It's a picture, of God, being this, immensely powerful being, that puts, order, who brings order, out of chaos. But the psalm, then goes on, to speak about, God's king, and says that, God's king, does the same thing. [12:05] Don't know if you, picked it up, in the second part, of that reading. So, we're going to continue, in verse 15, where it starts, to talk about, God's king, the holy one, the Messiah. [12:17] verse 19, once you spoke, in a vision, to your faithful people, you said, I have bestowed, strength on a warrior. I've exalted, a young man, from among the people. [12:30] I have found David, my servant, with my sacred oil, I have anointed him. Talking about, King David, the guy who wrote, the psalm, Ethan, Ezra, was lived, in the time, of David, and Solomon. [12:46] But the way, it talks about David, David didn't, fulfill all of these things. It's talking about, the ultimate Davidic king, the ultimate son, Jesus. Verse 21, my hand, will sustain him. [12:59] Surely, my arm, will strengthen him. No enemy, will subject him, to tribute. No wicked man, will oppress him. I will crush, his foes, before him, and strike down, his adversaries. [13:11] My faithful love, will be with him, and through my name, his horn, will be exalted. There's a connection, between Yahweh, and this king. [13:22] And then, I will set his hand, over the sea. His right hand, over the rivers. And there's that connection, between what God does, Yahweh, this mighty God, controlling all the other, chaos gods of the world, slaying them, in fact, making sure, they can't do damage, and his king, who's going to do, the same thing, on his behalf. [13:47] See the connection there? He will set his hand, over the sea, his right hand, over the rivers. In one sense, it means that his dominion, his rule, is going to extend, beyond the borders, of Israel. [14:01] The sea here, the Mediterranean, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, the River Jordan, any water, that gets in the way, of this king, he's going to cross. [14:11] But these are, primordial waters. There's going to be, a combat situation, when he extends, this kingdom, into the distant corners, of the world. But that's okay. God has got his back. [14:24] He's got the power, to do it. We're going to go back, to Matthew now, but I hope that gives, some background, to what's happening, in the story, of Jesus, calming the storm. [14:36] So you might want, to go back to Matthew 8. And so what we've got, in the Psalm, and here in Matthew, is this incredible joining, of Yahweh himself, having authority, over the waters, of chaos, and giving, that authority, his Messiah. [14:50] And in Jesus, all that power, and ability, are found in one person. It's, incredible. Incredible. Incredible. Incredible. And what does Jesus, want from his people here? [15:06] Well he wants his followers, to have faith, that trust him so much, that they can like him, find rest, and peace, in the total, sovereignty, of God. [15:20] So no matter, what forces of chaos, are active in their life, they can be, at peace. He wants them, literally, to sleep like him. That's why he's upset with them. Why don't you have faith? [15:32] Why are you so afraid? You know the Old Testament. You know the promises, God has made. You know that we're on a, a plan, to begin God's kingdom. You know that, if we go over to the other side, of the sea, and like, there's a plan for God, on that other side, nothing can get in the way, of that plan. [15:49] Why are you not trusting God? But rest, is a really difficult thing. Amen. So how are your, sleep patterns? [16:00] And what did they say, about your trust in Jesus? How are your, sleep patterns? And what do they say, about your trust in Jesus? I'm sure like, many of us, we struggle to fall asleep, in this modern world. [16:14] Is your mind racing, full of bad things, that people have said, and done? Is your mind racing, about things you should have said, how you can get back at them? Is your mind, full of worry, about things you've got, no control over? [16:32] But, Jesus says, you need to take all those things, and place your life, your trust, in him, God's king, who with a word, overcomes the storms, and brings peace. [16:49] We have got, Reformation Sunday, and Luther, has this advice, for getting a good night's sleep. In his catechism, for children, to go to sleep at night, there's a little ritual, that they go through, they must recite the Lord's prayer, and the creed, and then, they say an evening prayer, thanking God, for his protection, and mercy. [17:10] And in the catechism, it says this, this is the prayer, into your hands, I commend myself, my body, my soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angels, be with me, so that the wicked foe, may have no power over me, Amen. [17:25] And then the words, in the catechism says, then you are to go to sleep, quickly, and cheerfully. Do something, that, puts your trust, on Christ, and God, thank him, for keeping you safe, ask him for his protection, and go to sleep, quickly, and cheerfully. [17:49] And you'll find, that you're much able, to find sleep easier. Because you're trusting in God, and in Jesus, who has this, level, of power, over every evil. [18:06] But Jesus isn't finished yet. He, intends to invade, enemy territory, and is essentially, putting all the forces, of darkness on notice, that his kingdom has arrived, and he's coming, to set the captives free. [18:20] The question is, in the next story, are they ready, to come out of the darkness, and into the light? And so we see, Jesus taking on evil, in the next story, the healing of the two, demon possessed men. [18:30] Jesus, taking on evil. Jesus, having successfully, put the forces of chaos, in their place, arrives in the land, of the Gadarenes. [18:47] Depends on your translation. Let's have a look, at verse 28. When he arrived, at the other side, in the region, of the Gadarenes, two demon possessed men, came, coming from the tombs, met him. [18:59] And there's a huge confrontation. Now, Matthew isn't just giving us, just arbitrary, sort of geographic information. If you can think in your mind's eye, of a map of Israel. [19:14] In the north, is where Jesus is. In the south is, so that's the Sea of Galilee. This is the Dead Sea, the River Jordan in between. And, oh, I'm going to have to do it, on your side. [19:26] So, on this side is, is, on this side is Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel, on the western side. And on the eastern side, is this land of the Gadarenes, known as the Decapolis. But, there's something dark, about this place. [19:40] It's not a normal place, for them to go. It's outside the bounds of Israel. And remember, the land is the place, of God's people. Everywhere else, belongs to the pagans. And the area, east of the Jordan, the area that Jesus is going into, was particularly known as dark, and a dark and demonic stronghold, of all kinds of evil. [20:03] There's a tradition, that the Canaanite tribes, that were chased out, under the conquest, under Joshua and David, moved over to this area. And they had continued, with their child sacrifice, and their demonic idolatry, essentially. [20:18] And that's why, the moment that Jesus arrives, all hell breaks loose. These two men, rush up to Jesus. But they're being controlled, by something stronger than them. [20:30] Something evil, for which they, themselves, cannot escape. They've got no means, of escape. Except, were it not, for Jesus. And they, ask again, who is this person? [20:46] In fact, as they get to him, they cry out, what do you want with us, son of God? Have you come here, to torture us, before our appointed time? Now imagine, you were just walking down the road, at night, after being at the chili bar, here on South, on Victoria Road, and your home is there, past the, Plumstead Graveyard, if one person, approaches you, from the graveyard, you're out of there. [21:18] Okay? If two people, approach you, and they are crazy, and you can see in their eyes, that there's something going on. You know that feeling? You just know, that there's some, something evil, happening here? [21:29] That same feeling, that the disciples, had in the boat, you're going to have, when you watch these two guys, running at you, as if they're going to kill you. And then they do, the strangest thing. Instead of threatening Jesus, they feel threatened by him, and Jesus hasn't done, anything. [21:46] He's just standing there. And so Jesus' power, and authority, is on full display, and these demons, are cowering, in fear, begging, not to be, tortured, or judged, before their appointed time. [22:04] With the word of command, he sends them running, for the hills. Go. And they're only too happy, to jump into some pigs, push them over the cliff, and drown in the sea. [22:17] They'd rather have that, than face up to this man, standing in front of them. What's going on here? Well, Jesus shows himself, to be the judge, the jury, and the executioner, of every evil power, and evil stronghold, in the world. [22:37] They know something about him, that no one else around him knows, yet. But because they live in this, sort of spirit realm, they can see who Jesus is, and they know he's coming for them, and that their time is short. [22:53] Again, it's got to make you wonder, who is this person? How does he have, all this power? You'd think, fantastic, people are going to want to know him. [23:05] At least the two guys, that got set free, in the other accounts, of the gospels, the same story appears, and they only, they want to stick with Jesus, and he says, no, I want you to go back home, and tell this area about me. [23:18] You'd think the people, would come out, and welcome him. Hey, fantastic, they've, they've saved these two guys, from control of evil forces. The twist in the story, is the people want nothing, to do with him. [23:33] Have a look at verse 33. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into town, and reported all this, including what had happened, to the demon possessed man. [23:46] When the whole town, went out, to meet Jesus, then the whole town, went out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they begged with him, to leave, their region. [24:01] If only they had known, who was standing there, and what, salvation, they could have had. What a new life, what a change of, direction. They wanted, just like the demons, they want to be left alone. [24:13] They prefer bondage, and the comfort of evil, the comfort of evil, that they know, rather, responding to this calling, of a new life, and freedom, and following Jesus. [24:29] Sadly, there's many people, who find themselves, in the same position, today. They prefer, to live a life, free of Jesus, and what happens, is they find themselves, in bondage to evil, they can't escape. [24:45] We've had many people, dipping in and out, of St. Mark's, over the years, just having a quick look, see what's going on, and then they prefer, to return to a life, of slavery, to alcohol, to a life, that they think, is freedom, and it's not. [25:07] In fact, they're just staying, in slavery. So if you find yourself, in that place, of thinking about, following Jesus, maybe you've come, into St. Mark's, and you're visiting, you're not sure, don't react, out of protecting, what you think, you have. [25:23] You end up, being enslaved to it. Whatever you've got, give it up. Get a new lease, on life. Get freedom. [25:34] Get joy, and get release, from whatever, is holding you back. Those things, that you think, is just normal, everyday stuff, this story, tells you, that there's something, underneath that, is holding you back. [25:47] It's a power, that you, don't have power over. You've got to come, to Christ, to be free, of these things. Now, we think it's strange, that certain places, are more evil, than others. [26:00] It doesn't, sort of, fit with our, modern world view. But, you know, I've, I've experienced this myself, you may have as well. I remember, I had a team, working with me, when I was at U-Turn, and we would go, into the Cape Flats, but to the, the blocks of flats, in the Cape Flats, and the blocks of flats, that had the gangsters, in the blocks of flats, in the Cape Flats. [26:20] And I just drove in there, with my music, and the guys, in the back of the buck, were like, hey man, we can't spend time here. I sort of stopped, and they said, there's something, we can't spend time here. [26:33] And it just had, this feeling of oppression, and darkness, and evil. And they knew, and then I knew, oh no, there's something hectic here, let's rather leave. It's a real thing. [26:45] You can feel, spiritual oppression. And the thing is, no amount of money, or social relief, can change those areas. And, nothing really, is going to change your life, if you're stuck in, slavery or bondage, to something. [27:01] Those places, and you, need Jesus, you need salvation, and it's only Jesus, that can do that, because only he is stronger, than those things. When Jesus comes into your life, he upsets, upsets the status quo, he upset the status quo here, they were happy, with their pigs, now they don't have pigs, but they had something, far better, and they didn't see it. [27:25] When Jesus comes into your life, yes, he upsets the status quo, but it's always for the better. He's going to help you, become free of stuff, that you can't free yourself from, through which you've got no power over, but Jesus does. [27:39] And then the last story, highlights the most important evil, that Jesus has power over, and that is the problem, of human sin. So the last story, is about Jesus, and our sin. [27:52] You think it's about Jesus, and healing, but there's something deeper going on. And so Jesus, in the last story, Jesus, from chapter 9, Jesus heads back home to Capernaum, and a paralytic is brought to him for healing. [28:08] Jesus could have said, get up and walk, but he does something unexpected again. He purposefully stages a confrontation, to show just how much authority he has, by overcoming the deepest, most profound evil, that there is in the world, the problem of human sin. [28:31] Jesus stepped into a boat, verse 1, comes over to his own town, some men brought him a paralytic, lying on a mat, when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, take heart, my son, or my child, your sins, are forgiven. [28:54] Now the scribes, take the bait, they begin to grumble themselves, Jesus, is blaspheming, some of the teachers of the law, at this, some of the teachers of the law, said to themselves, this fellow, we don't know who he is, it's just this guy, is blaspheming. [29:16] But Jesus is able to see, what other people can't. He can see into their hearts, and minds, and he can see into the real problem, that this paralytic has in front of him. So Jesus is dealing with all kinds of sin, chaos, in the world, actual evil forces, but the thing, that requires, Jesus the most, is the thing that none of us, can really see, and that's the problem of sin. [29:45] Jesus can see into their thoughts, into their hearts, knows everything about them, and that alone, makes him the most, dangerous man, on planet earth. I don't have to say, imagine that Jesus, knows everything about you, you need to know, that he does know, everything about you, every thought, you've ever had, everything you've ever said, everything you have done, and haven't done. [30:16] That, is more scary, than being close to drowning in a boat, or having demon possessed men, run at you out of, Plumstead Cemetery. That, is way more scary, because you've got to stand in front of that person, and give an account of your life. [30:30] Well, Jesus calls out the scribes, and to prove, that he does indeed, have the authority, to forgive sin, he tells the man, to get up and walk. [30:45] Now, by this stage, you're like, yeah, Jesus does this all the time, but again, remember, you're sitting there, you've known this guy, for how many years, Jesus says, get up and walk, and he gets up and walks. It's an incredible miracle. [30:56] A word of command, and this man, is released from bondage. A word of command, and everything, you've ever done, is washed away, as if you never did it, in the first place. [31:12] Wouldn't that be, the most wonderful words, you want to hear from, this man? Rather than, yeah, I've known what you've done, I'm going to make you pay. [31:23] Whoa. That would be scary. So friends, this is Jesus, true superpower, the authority, to forgive you, your sins. [31:36] You know, you can be saved, from every storm, and every evil force, and every sickness, but that means nothing, if your sins aren't forgiven, because you're going to be, standing in front of this judge, this man, who's appointed, as the judge, and the jury, and the executioner, of God's, of God's, kingdom, God's world, and he's going to take, every evil, in God's world, and wipe it out. [32:01] That's his commission, that's his mission, that's the role, that God has given him, in Psalm 89, through all the scriptures, this is the man, that God has appointed, to judge the world. [32:16] And if you don't, reckon with him, if you don't have him, forgive your sins, because we are evil, because of our sinful nature, we'll be washed away, with the rest of all the evil, in God's world. [32:31] Now sadly today, many people, are very much, like the scribes here, thinking that Jesus, is blaspheming, by forgiving sin. [32:43] But, people today, don't think that they're blaspheming, that Jesus is blaspheming, against God. He thinks he's blaspheming, against them. Because you think to yourself, but who is this guy, to tell me, that I need to have, my sins forgiven, or that I even have sins? [33:01] I don't need, to listen to him. Who is he to tell me, that I've got a problem, in my life? And if you're a Christian, and you're talking to friends, they're going to tell you, but who are you to tell me, what's wrong with my life? And that I need Jesus, and that I need forgiveness. [33:14] You think you're fine, all on your own. Many people are like that. You don't need forgiveness, you don't think you have any sins, to be forgiven for. You know, call me crazy, but I just don't think, it's a good idea, to get uppity, with a man, that has this kind of, power. [33:33] And if he can, calm storms, chase off demons, make paralyzed men walk, and if he says, you have a problem, in your life, that needs my forgiveness, the best thing to do, is to listen to that. [33:47] Regardless of what you think, of what he's saying, because you've seen, and know, what he can do. I would much rather, take his words seriously, and if he tells me, I need to be forgiven, you know what? [34:00] The best thing you can do, humble yourself, and ask him to do just that. But a last point, I think, many Christians, are like the scribes here as well. [34:14] And they're doing a kind of, reverse blasphemy, I think, against Jesus. Now I'm going to use this, in inverted commas, I'm just using the word, I'm using it lightly. And that's because, many Christians struggle, to accept that their sins, have truly been forgiven. [34:30] Many Christians, are still carrying with them, their past mistakes, trying to make it up, up for it, on their own strength, their own way, trying to pay for it somehow, their own efforts, instead, of trusting, Jesus, that when he says, your sins are forgiven, he means, your sins, are forgiven. [34:53] And if you don't trust him, you're essentially, like the scribe, saying, no, but you're lying. I'm going to hold on, to my sins. I don't think you can, forgive him my sins. You don't know, what I've done. [35:07] The story of Jesus, anything you read, in the New Testament, especially these stories, is a man, who knows everything about you. You know he knows it. He's got the power. He's got the authority. And so, if he declares to you, that your sins, are forgiven, trust that, and let them go, and hand them over to Jesus. [35:28] 1 John chapter 4, verse 9 and 10, says this, This is how God showed his love, among us. He sent his one and only son, into the world, that we might live through him. [35:43] This is love. Not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his son, as an atoning sacrifice, for our sins. [35:55] Jesus has the power and authority, to forgive every sin, because he's paid for them, with his life. To not trust that, is to say that his death, hasn't counted for you. [36:09] But it has, if you're a Christian. So trust in who he is, and trust in the words, and he's promised, that if you're forgiven, you're forgiven. So friends, your king, Jesus, is strong and kind. [36:23] Trust him at his word. Lay down your sin, lay down your worry, lay down your past, lay down your life, and put yourself, in his welcoming, his healing, his saving, and his forgiving hands, and be happy. [36:45] Let me pray, and that's a good time for us, to actually continue with communion, because communion, is specifically designed, to help us, hold on to these truths, that your sins actually have been forgiven, and that Jesus does have the power, and authority to do that. [37:02] Lord Jesus, we see here in these stories, your immense power, and authority. Lord, we find it difficult, to grasp and comprehend, although if we had seen it, we were there, we would have seen it, Lord. [37:17] Lord, we need to trust you, at your word, that you are this Messiah, set up by God, to both judge the world, and forgive, the sins, of anyone who comes to him, and has got the power, and authority, to do that. [37:32] And when we do that, Lord, we need to experience, your freedom, and your release, and your joy, from our past, mistakes, and misdoings. [37:42] Lord, we know, that when we place our trust in you, you are faithful, and kind, and just, to forgive us our sins. Help us to trust in that Lord, and live our lives, accordingly. [37:55] In Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Amen. Ähnlich Crowey, Amen. Amen. Amen. [38:27] swab,