Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] I'm sure many of you know that Victoria Fours, which is just at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is one of the great wonders in the world. [0:15] But what many visitors don't realize is that you get different views of Victoria Fours depending on which country you are viewing them from. If you stand on the Zambian side, you have a different view, and if you stand on the Zimbabwean side, you have a hugely different view of Victoria Fours. [0:36] And many people argue that a better view is actually on the Zimbabwean side, probably because the 75 or 80 percent of water that goes over the abyss of opposite Zimbabwean side, and the view of the cascade is best from this side. [0:51] The water plunges over the edge of the gulch, forming great billowing clouds of spray that the foes are named after a local language, Mosiotunya, which means the smoke that thunders. [1:06] For this reason, people will advise many people to cross on the other side of Zimbabwe and to have a different view of the foes. I'm not trying to argue for which side is the better view, or trying to market for Zambia, since I'm coming from Zambia, that we can go. [1:27] But I want to draw three points from this. Number one, it doesn't take long for someone to cross on the other side, because it's just at the border. [1:40] If you're not fully satisfied with the one view, you can just cross on the other side of the border and have a different view of Victoria Fours and appreciates. [1:51] It doesn't take really long. And the other thing is that you get two different views, of course. It's not one view, but two views. [2:01] And the difference is quite huge. And the third thing is that your feelings, your impressions, your thoughts, even your actions, they will be influenced by the view of what you get, whether you're on the Zambian side or you're on the Zimbabwean side. [2:21] The scripture we've just read, John has got a privilege to be invited on the other side of the border to actually view the same reality of earth, the whole universe, but from a heavenly and thrown perspective. [2:39] If you look at verse one, John is invited from a human point of view, from earth, and is joining God on the other side of the border to have another different view of the whole universe, to appreciate the way God views everything and to have that view. [3:13] And that view will actually affect the way John will think about everything in the world, the universe, the suffering of the Christians, the tribulation, and many things that go through the world. [3:27] We have a number of things going on on earth. We've heard of the Boko Haram, the activities that is going on in Nigeria. We've heard of mass killing of Christians in Iraq. [3:40] A lot of disturbing news that we read almost every day in the newspaper. Many, many disturbing news in our own lives. And what I want to try to explain today is to join the Apostle John on the other side and try to view them from the heavenly perspective. [4:01] View them from the throne of God perspective. And you'll get a very huge view, and that will influence even the way you live. We should understand that these two chapters we've just read, they only have one central point. [4:19] They are talking about the throne of God. The throne of God from which God is ruling the whole universe. This passage we've just read is not talking about the 24 elders. [4:35] We've heard about the four living creatures. But it's all about the throne of God. When you read the book of Revelation from chapter 1 to chapter 22, the word throne occurs about 34 times. [4:50] And it's amazing to see that 17 times is only in these two chapters. This means that everything revolves around the throne of God. [5:01] So these passages are not talking about the 24 elders or the four living creatures or anything like that. Everything that has been mentioned here, they have been mentioned with the purpose of enriching the beauty, the splendor, the glory, and the majesty of the throne of God. [5:19] And it's from that perspective that John is invited to view everything, everything in the world, including things that we don't fully understand, including things that we don't like, even things that we don't agree with that is going on on earth, and he's invited to view them from that throne perspective. [5:38] You hear a lot of things surrounding the throne, things like this sparkling white diamond. They're talking about the Sardis, the emerald rainbow, the 24 elders, the many angels, and all other creatures in the entire universe. [5:54] Everything around the throne, they are actually there to enhance, to enrich the beauty and the glory of the throne of God. And so from these passages, I want to share with you three points. [6:09] I want to tell you that when you cross on the other side of the border, so to speak, and have another different view of the universe, you realize three things. [6:22] Number one is that we do have a creator God ruling the throne of the universe. We have a creator on the ruling throne of the universe. Number two, you realize that we have the redeemer sitting on the throne of the whole universe. [6:40] And number three, for that very reason, we have all the right to trust the governance of this king who is ruling the world. Let me start with number one. [6:51] On the other side of the border, whatever goes on earth, tribulation or persecution or things that we don't fully understand or like or agree with, you realize that there is, on the spiritual center of the universe, there is a throne, only one throne, the throne of God that is ruling everything. [7:17] Everything. The 24 elders that are representing the community of God's people, both from the Old Testament and the New Testament, singing the song of creation, you are worthy, O Lord, God, to receive glory and honor and power. [7:34] Why? Because you created all things, and by your will they were created and of their being. This is the song of creation. So we know that the one sitting on the throne is the creator of the whole universe. [7:47] Of course, he created the whole universe in six days, and on the seventh day he rested. He rested from his creative work, but he did not rest from the sustaining work of the whole universe. [8:01] Remember what Jesus says in the book of John chapter 5, verse 16. My father is always at his work to this very day. I, too, I am working. [8:13] God rested from his creative work, but he's still involved in every day of our human affairs. He's still sustaining our lives. If God had stopped doing that, we would have been dissolved, all of us, to nothing. [8:30] It's really amazing to see that the one who's on the governance of the world is no other but your creator, is no other but the creator of the whole universe. [8:42] He's really caring for his creation, and he sustains creation in his wisdom. The four living creatures, when they come with the same song, the song of creation as well, they sing, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. [8:58] So we realize that at the spiritual center of the whole universe, the creator God who is ruling the world is a holy God. He's a holy God. [9:10] By holiness, we mean he's morally excellent, perfectly pure, absolutely separate from sin and evil. God will never look at any sin or evil or wickedness that is going on on earth in our lives with approval. [9:26] approval. He's the one ruling the world. But one thing we need to notice here is that about two times in the book of John, Jesus mentions the devil to be also a ruler of some kind. [9:40] In John chapter 12, verse 31, Jesus says about the devil that he's coming, and there's nothing that he can claim from me, the ruler of this world. [9:53] He's calling him the ruler of this world, the prince of this world. And in chapter 40, verse 30, 14, sorry, verse 30 of the book of John, again we hear Jesus referring to the devil as the prince of this world. [10:07] And so the question rises, who is on the throne? Is it the devil? Is he certain or is God? God is under God. The ultimate ruler of the world is the creator God. [10:19] Certain is under God control. Certain is, God is actually, is the one controlling everything. [10:32] And the devil is under his sovereignty. The devil has nothing to do under the sovereignty of this creator God. God, in his sovereignty and his providence, has postponed the final judgment of the devil, even though he's already been judged, according to John chapter 14, verse 30. [10:50] The ruler of the world is going to be judged, and he's already been judged. And the final judgment of the devil has been postponed until when Jesus comes back. So the devil is being controlled by the Lord. [11:03] The Lord, the creator, is the one ruling the whole universe. It's amazing to know that the one who's ruling the whole universe is the creator God, and he's a holy God. [11:14] Even when you are concerned about the evil things that people do, he's more concerned, but he's holy. Holy, holy, holy. Everything about God is holy. John sees the Lord God in his temple, and everything about the temple is holy, but he is the holy, holy, holy. [11:29] We have the holy place. We have the holy of holies there. Everything in the temple is holy. But God is holy, holy, holy, and he's the one at the spiritual center of the world. [11:42] He will never, never look with approval, anything wrong, anything sinful that is going on on the universe. He's not only holy. He's a sovereign God. Because of who he is, he's got both the authority, the right, and power to rule over and control all things according to his perfect will. [11:59] This is why he's the one. This is why in Genesis chapter 50 verse 20, Joseph could say that you meant evil, but in God's sovereignty, he turned into good. [12:12] So the one sitting on the throne is a sovereign God. He does everything in his authority, in his capacity, in his splendor to rule everything and to control everything. Even things that may seem uncontrollable. [12:24] Sometimes we wonder what is going on. Is really everything in God's control, even in our own lives. But I want you to look at whatever is going on in your life from the throne perspective that we have the creator God. [12:38] The God who's ruling everything. The God who's a sovereign. Who has got both the power and right. Who has no one to advise. The God on the throne is caring for his creation. [12:49] And he's ruling everything under his majesty. He transcends time. Who was and is and is to come. He's above everything. And he's ruling everything. [13:02] That helps us as believers. We are encouraged. Even when we see things that we don't like. Even when we see things that we dislike. We don't agree with. But we know that God is there on the throne and is ruling everything. [13:15] And if we are just to cross on the other side of the border. And stop looking at what we are going through from our human point of view. And look at them from the throne perspective. [13:26] And realize that the one sitting on the throne is a capable God. He is God who is a sovereign God. And he knows everything more than anything else. Even the way he rules his world. [13:38] Is in the way that we cannot fully understand. All we need to do is to trust his God. That's the first thing that you realize. When you cross on the other side. And look at everything that is going on in the world. [13:51] From the throne perspective. You realize that we actually do have the creator God. The sovereign God. The holy God. Sitting on the throne. And ruling everything. The second thing that you realize. [14:03] When you cross on the other side. And look at everything from the throne perspective. Is that we actually have the redeemer of God's people. The redeemer of God's people. [14:13] On the ruling throne of the whole universe. Look at the song. In chapter 5. Verse 9. The son is the one there sitting. [14:26] Worthy. On verse 9. Chapter 5. Verse 9. Worthy are you to take this crow. And to open its seals. For you were slain. And by your blood. You ransomed people. [14:37] In other words. You redeemed people. For God. From every tribe. Language. People. And nation. We have only one throne. And the one sitting on the throne. [14:48] Is the son of God. We have God a father. And God a son. On one throne. On the throne. The triune God. The God in three persons. Ruling the world. The God who is a creator. [14:59] And the Lord God. Who is a redeemer of God people. What a message of encouragement. When we realize that the one ruling the whole universe. Is actually the redeemer of God people. [15:10] He cares for us. He cares for his people. He is worthy. He is qualified to reveal the plans of God. John was concerned. He was wondering. Who is going to come and take up the scroll. [15:21] And open. The taking and the opening of the scroll. No one was qualified for that. Only the redeemer. The one who died. The one who was slain. For our sins. Is the one who has got that qualification. [15:34] And worthy to open. Opening means. He is able to reveal all the plans of God. All the eternal purposes of God. Not only revealing. Even executing them. [15:44] He is the one who is carrying them out. So he cares for his people. So the moment you realize that the one sitting on the throne. Is actually the redeemer of God people. [15:55] So you will know that. Is carrying out all the plans of God. On the benefit of his people. Everything is actually on the benefit of the church. Even if you don't understand. [16:07] But you trust that. He is running everything on the interest. Of the people of God. It is amazing that he did not redeem. The people. His people. With just the blood. But with his own blood. [16:19] With his own blood. So we are valuable. The people of God are precious to him. And the way he is ruling the world. He rules the world. To make sure that everything goes on the interest of the people of God. [16:31] Even when we don't understand. We ask a lot of questions. But if God cares for his people. Why many Christians are being killed in Iraq? Why many Christians are being killed in Nigeria? [16:43] Why such and such a thing is happening in my life? We fail to understand. Because we look at other things from our human point of view. But what I want to tell you this morning. [16:53] Why don't we just cross on the other side. And try to see the same very things from the throne perspective. From the perspective of the redeemer. Who cares for his people. From the perspective of God. [17:04] Who does everything in the interest of God's people. Actually you realize that the one sitting on the throne. Is not only holy. And sovereign. He is wise. He is a wise God. [17:15] By being wise. God knows all things. And he understands everything. And he knows how to skillfully. Perfectly. And appropriately. [17:27] Apply his knowledge to life. In order to accomplish his desired results. In everything that God does. There is much wisdom. That you and me will fail to understand. [17:38] We only marvel. Even things that seem very bad in our lives. In his wisdom. On the one sitting on the throne. He rules everything. In wisdom. In wisdom. [17:49] And there is perfect wisdom. That we have really to trust in this God. The redeemer. Of his people. Look at what the Bible says. What he has done. [17:59] Worthy. In verse 9. Worthy are you to take the scroll. And open the seals. For you were slain. And as a result of Christ's death. We have three things there. You know. By your blood. [18:10] You redeem. The people of God. You redeem people. From every tribe. From every language. Even the people that we pray for. The people in Nigeria. God has redeemed them. We have the people of God in Nigeria. [18:21] We have the people of God in China. In India. In the eastern part of the Congo. We have Christians all over the place. That Jesus Christ has purchased. With his own blood. [18:32] And he cares for them. And when we pray for them. We may not realize that God in the first place. Is the one who cares for them. Because he purchased them. With his own blood. [18:43] He did not only redeem them. The Bible continues to tell us that. He actually made them. He made them a kingdom of priests. To our God. And he actually guarantees them. [18:55] That they shall reign on earth. The one sitting on the throne. Is the redeemer of God's people. There is a song that comes. From the many angels. [19:07] In verse 12 of chapter 5. Saying with a loud voice. Worthy is the lamb who was slain. To receive power. Wealth. And wisdom. And might. And honor. And glory. [19:17] And blessing. Sometimes when we complain. It is because. We are human beings. And one reason. We don't understand. Because sometimes. On where we are standing from. [19:29] If you look at the beauty. Of Victoria Falls. And you are not satisfied with it. Sometimes depending on which side. Are you standing. And that will influence. The way you think. And the way you appreciate everything. [19:41] So what the Bible is actually asking us. Is to just cross. And switch off our mind. And see things. From the way we see them. From. And switch from. From seeing them. [19:52] From a human perspective. But to see them from the throne. The redeemer. Who is actually ruling everything. The one who has purchased his people. By his own blood. So he cares for us. [20:04] He cares for his people. So these two aspects of the throne of God. On one side we have the creator. A capable God. Who is caring for you and me. Who is caring for his creation. [20:16] Who did not stop. His work of sustaining his creation. God is involved in everyday human affairs. And on the other side. [20:26] You have the aspect. Of the redeemer. Who has redeemed his people. By his own blood. And he values them. Because he purchased them with his blood. The third point. [20:40] Therefore. We have all the reasons. To praise. Trust. And rest in his rule. We don't have to complain. And murmur. Even on things that we don't understand. It's because we are not wise. [20:53] Wise enough. Than the one who is sitting on the throne. We don't have to complain. Even on things that we don't agree with. Sometimes we stand. When we complain. We say. God why this in my life. [21:04] Why this in the life of a nation. That is. That claims to be Christian. And we tend to think. That everything has gone beyond God's control. He is the sovereign God. Sometimes he uses what he dislike. [21:16] To bring about. His purposes on earth. As the people of God. Number one. We need to rest. And celebrate God's creative work. [21:26] And his redemptive work. That's the great. The response. Especially when we face. We face. Things that we don't understand. We praise God. God. [21:37] We rest in his. In his power. Of sustaining. Of sustaining. The his creation. We rest in him. And we trust God. That he knows what he's doing. He's the holy God. [21:49] And sometimes we pay. We point at people. That we may call bad people. Why is God looking at them. Like that God. Is coming. That we have said. We have read. In Psalms. He's coming to judge the world. [22:01] His own judgment. Is best. He's going to do it. In his own time. And in his own way. No one has the right. To tell him what to do. He's up there in heaven. [22:12] No one can manipulate him. He's above all. The God of the world. He's not an idol. That we can suggest. Do this. And do that. Of course. We can bring our requests. But after everything. [22:23] We know that. He knows everything. More than everyone else. He's ruling the world. In his capacity. Things that we don't. Even when you compare. Your own life. And say. God. Why me this way. And that one that way. [22:34] There's much wisdom. That you may not fully understand today. Because the one who's ruling. The everyday affairs of your life. Is the wise God. Is the sovereign God. He knows what he's doing. Joseph did not realize. [22:46] That everything that was going in his life. God was fully involved. At every step of his life. Is only at the end of his life. He could realize. That everything. That actually you meant for evil. [22:57] The sovereign God. The wise God. Use and turn them for his glory. So we need to realize. That whatever is going on. On earth. Sometimes we get discouraged. As the people of God. [23:08] We know that God. Is caring for his people. God is caring for the church. In Iraq. In here. And everywhere. And is caring for your own life. He knows what you go through. Every detail of your life. [23:19] Is the wise God. That perspective. Of the universe. Should change the way you think about. Everything that you go through. That perspective of the throne. Should change the way you interpret your suffering. [23:32] That perspective of the throne of God. The moment you realize that. The creator. The sovereign God. The holy God. And the sovereign. Who is wise. Is the one sitting on the throne. [23:44] What do you do? As a result of that perspective. You rest in his governance. You rely on him. You say God. You are capable God. We've entrusted many human beings. [23:55] To run the affairs of people. They've failed us. But we know that God is on the throne. Can turn anything. Into his glory. What a powerful view. [24:06] When we cross on the other side. And view that we feel encouraged. We only not rest. But we trust God. And we praise this God. This is what comes at the end of chapter 5. [24:18] All creation. All living creatures. In chapter 5 verse 14. And four living creatures. And all. Chapter 13. Sorry. And I had very. And I had. [24:28] Verse 13. I had a very. Every creatures. In heaven. And on earth. And under the earth. And in the sea. And all that is in. In them saying. To him who sit on the throne. [24:40] To the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God. Who is the Redeemer. Be blessing. And honor. And glory. Forever. And ever. The glory goes to the creator. [24:50] God. And the Redeemer. And this is the right response. For everyone who is just crossed. On the other side. You cannot manage. [25:01] But to marvel. At how God is ruling the world. In a very. Highest wisdom. That nobody will be able to understand. As human beings. We complain. Because. [25:13] We can't manage to understand his wisdom. As human beings. We mama. And we grumble. We think God. Has nothing. To do with what is going on here. [25:24] Everything is in his control. There is much wisdom. He understands. All things. He controls. All the details of your life. And he uses. [25:35] Anything. To bring about. His purposes. Come to pass. We know that. When he comes. We fully understand. That God was fully. Involved in. [25:46] Every day. Of our lives. When you read. Psalms 96. Especially. Verse 4. For great is the Lord. And most worthy of praise. [25:56] Is to be feared. Above all gods. But the Lord. May the heavens. The splendor. The majesty. And before him. Strength and glory. Are in his sanctuary. [26:07] Look at verse 7. I scribe to the Lord. All you families of nations. I scribe to the Lord. Glory and strength. I scribe to the Lord. The glory due to his name. Bring an offering. And comes into the courts. [26:19] Worship the Lord. And in the splendor of his holiness. Tremble before him. And when you go. What you tell the people. After having the nice view of the world. Say among the nations. [26:30] The Lord reigns. He's reigning. When we don't understand. We pray. Last time. I was encouraging. The Christians. About the. The 70. [26:40] The 72 abducted. Girls in Nigeria. The people of God. Have come together. And pray. And pray about it. God. May you please. Interven. [26:51] We haven't heard. Any. Anything. So far. But when we cross. On the other side. God is aware. Of everything. That is going on. He knows. What is going on. And by the end of the day. We realize. [27:02] That there's much wisdom. In what. In what God is letting. People doing. To do. And sometimes. He allows things. Sometimes. He sends things. In his. In his will. [27:13] But. By the end of the day. God. Is a sovereign God. And so. Brothers and sisters. Let us cross. On the other side. And let us stop. [27:24] Having. A poor view. Of Victoria. Force. Let us cross. On the other side. Whether it's Zambia. Or Zimbabwe. And appreciate. The view. Of that. In this time around. [27:35] I want to tell you. Whatever you are going through. Stop. Viewing. What you are viewing. From a human point of view. Let us go. And view them. From the heavenly perspective. From the throne of God. [27:47] The wise God. Who is ruling everything. And then you cannot fail. But to marvel. At his wisdom. And you can join. The 24 elders. The many angels. And say. God. [27:57] You are worthy. Oh God. Even in things. I don't understand. In my own life. You are worthy. Oh God. Let's pray. Lord. We thank you. So much. We pray that God. [28:08] You will forgive us. Sometimes we complain. We murmur. We grumble. Because. We don't know that. The one sitting on the throne. Is the creator. Who cares for us. Is a redeemer. [28:19] The one who has redeemed us. Jesus. Help us. From today onwards. To view everything. Including our own perplexities. And difficulties of life. [28:30] From the throne. Perspective. Amen. Many of whom. As it matters. As it breaks. As you are. Yes. [28:53] Thank you. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.